We are absolutely delighted that the manuscript of our next ouevre has gone to the lay-out and design people. The book is a team effort consisting of four major strands, A-D. Barney is responsible for a lot of the ideas
Five seminal moments in the life of a presenter
To celebrate the latest e-lesson on Presentations, I thought I’d share five moments in my life as a presenter, moments which ‘kicked me upstairs’ in terms of my personal development as a trainer. In no particular order… 1.Plenary at LABCI-ABCI
Business English e-lesson warehouse
I have just discovered that the archive of Business English e-lessons is now searchable by date, level and by topic. Topic categories include: current affairs / global economy/ technology / environment / office & management……. As a good Brit, I
BESIG M-Learning: post-session Handout
Thanks to everyone who braved the Sunday morning alarm call and came to the session on Mobile learning at the recent BESIG conference in Bielefeld. Also, thanks for your ideas which you submitted at the end of the session. These
Whiteboardable software for business English
Doesn’t the tech world move swiftly…. At the BESIG PCE, at 17.40 Standard German Time (SGT), I bemoaned the fact that business English teachers cannot get their clammy hands on the exhilarating IWB stuff that general English teachers can… At
Just left another great conference. The Pre-conference event I ran on materials went smoothly – huge thanks to both Macmillan English Campus and English 360 for skillfully handling the hands-on workshop part. I heard Mark Powell was his usual brilliant
English UK Teachers’ Conference
Many thanks to everyone who came to so. Uncomfortable This cheap viagra nice most. my sessions in London last Saturday. As promised, here is a brief, follow-up Handout for the M-Learning session: Mobile learning Watch this space – I will
BESIG – confession

Preparing my sessions for BESIG………confession from a Conference junkie…
Post-Malta workshop – websites
It’s nice to enjoy a Sunday at home in between Malta (last weekend) and BESIG Germany (next weekend). A couple of follow-up suggestions after the talk in Malta….. Useful resources (1) Screen capture software During the seminar, the name Russell
FELTOM – Malta (Saturday 6th November)
It was a great experience going over to Malta again – I hadn’t been since Jade was four & got stung by a bee. Thanks to David for introducing me to the delights of a Hitachi board – I feel