Doesn’t the tech world move swiftly….
At the BESIG PCE, at 17.40 Standard German Time (SGT), I bemoaned the fact that business English teachers cannot get their clammy hands on the exhilarating IWB stuff that general English teachers can…
At 20.20 (SGT) I glanced at the conference programme and discovered a Longman session on….IWB software for business English
The next day, I spoke to co-presenter, and as sure as eggs is eggs, the postman popped two discs through my letter box a mere two minutes ago Standard English Time (SET)
Cannot wait to unpack and load (cross-reference, Dirty Harry) – the results of my labour will emerge soon in Business Issues, not to mention our forthcoming tome 387 Activities (& rising) for IWBs
If you don’t have an IWB, don’t worry, as a lot of this stuff can be used without one…….
Can’t wait to hear what you think, Pete…
Cheers, James
I confess that I’ve been most impressed so far – Market Leader Active Teach is soon to be a ‘Book of the month’ – I guess the title ‘ book’ will have to change soon…..