It’s nice to enjoy a Sunday at home in between Malta (last weekend) and BESIG Germany (next weekend).
A couple of follow-up suggestions after the talk in Malta…..
Useful resources
(1) Screen capture software
During the seminar, the name Russell Stannard came up. This is his website:
The site has a lot of useful videos showing different technologies. Many of these are made using screen-capture software, and this is a good place to learn more about screen-capture tools, such as Camtasia and Jing.
(2) Mind mapping software
During the seminar, mind-mapping software came up too. There are free versions, demo / trial versions and some excellent versions which cost. A site worth visiting is Tony Buzan’s Of interest in this area are MindVisulaizer and Inspiration –
Lots of food for thought right at the end of the workshop!……good luck to everyone and hope to see you again!!