We have decided to introduce a podcast to te4be. This is an experiment and, to start with, we are following the traditional advice of keeping it simple.

The podcast is about 3 minutes long and the file is just over 700kb.

Click on podcast below to hear it or, to download it, right-click the link and select “Save as . . .”

{{link http://te4be.com/audio/second_life.mp3 PODCAST}}

The podcast accompanies an e-lesson style worksheet which you can download {{link http://te4be.com/PDFs/Second_Life.doc here}}.

The podcast and worksheet are about Second Life, an online virtual world that is starting to get the attention of big business. You can read more about Second Life in an {{link http://www.guardian.co.uk/france/story/0,,1994882,00.html article from the Guardian newspaper}}.

We envision you using the podcast with the worksheet in the classroom or suggesting to your learners that they copy it their mp3 players to listen to it before the lesson or after.

We are sure that you will have plenty of opinions about how this type of material can be developed and used and we are very keen to hear from you about those or about any problems or issues you have had downloading or using this podcast.

{{link http://te4be.com/pages/contact/contact_index.htm contact@te4be.com}}

Introducing PODCASTS on te4be

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