The latest In Company business English blog post has been uploaded by Macmillan. It re-visits the e-lesson: The best presentation….. ever? Users of Prezi pass the five million mark: is this business tool changing the way we deliver presentations? Last
Initial reactions to our workshop
I am sure more will be posted on this subject in a while, but it was for us a very interesting and worthwhile workshop, and seemed to be also for the participants. At the risk of showing my age, I
New author-produced video introduces 400 Ideas…..
After weeks of planning, the author team of 400 Ideas is delighted to announce that their mp4 video is now available for viewing. Title: 400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards Click here to view the video on YouTube The authors
Cambridge-Hitachi interactive whiteboards
Continuing our relationship with Cambridge-Hitachi, and practising what we preach by doing our own professional development, Pete and I attended a three-day training course at Cambridge University Press to improve our skills on these IWBs. We already had a very
IWB explosion – teacher training ramps up a gear!
Wow! It’s all happening in the wonderful world of Interactive whiteboards! Francis Jones has just spent a highly successful couple of days in Luxemburg, at the Ministry of Education, training teachers in the use of Promethean boards. Congratulations to him
Macmillan online conference
It’s virtually real and coming to an Internet connection near YOU! Two days including….Tuesday 8th November 13.45 – 14.45 [Oxford time] “If you’ve got it, use it!”: four approaches to using your IWB – Pete Sharma This session is based
Talk at Cambridge University Bookshop – Blended Learning
Thanks to everyone who came to the wonderful evening (I thought!) in the CUP bookshop last night. Here is a lite version (sugar-free) of the PPT. plenary-lite Here is a link to the Key Concepts in ELT article in ELTJ
Return to alma mater
I am always delighted to return to my alma mater – Cambridge, this time to give a talk in the CUP bookshop. Here are the details: How blended learning can give you a competitive edge with Pete Sharma (aka moi)
20th IATEFL Poland conference, Warsaw
It was great to go over to Warsaw last weekend and do the closing plenary at this conference! It was nice to see familiar faces and to meet new people! As promised in the plenary, here are ‘lite’ versions of
Thanks, Wayne!
How wonderfully refreshing to read Wayne Trottman’s ‘from the heart’ review of our latest book on Interactive Whiteboards in the EL Gazette. it made my day; my week; my month… You pour your heart and soul into a book; there