Continuing our relationship with Cambridge-Hitachi, and practising what we preach by doing our own professional development, Pete and I attended a three-day training course at Cambridge University Press to improve our skills on these IWBs. We already had a very positive impression of Michele Conway, chief trainer and general guru about using the IWBs from our symposium in Madrid. This was confirmed by our experience on the course. I was very impressed by the ease of use of the software, and the whole course was very useful. At the end of the three days, assuming your homework at the end of each of the first two days meets with Michele’s approval, you will walk away with two certificates as a user of the software and another as a trainer.

The course is free, and the lunches provided are wonderful! So, if you are interested in improving your ability to use these IWBs, I can only recommend that you contact the company to find out when and where a training session would be possible.

Cambridge-Hitachi interactive whiteboards

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