It was very nice to meet people (albeit briefly) at the session on Technology last weekend on the DELTA course, Warwickshire College, Leamington. One of the questions concerned on-line concrdancers. The following information should prove helpful. There are a number
Teaching on-line: questions from workshop in Hamburg, 21 January 2007
Here are a couple of questions from the meta-plan board in my recent workshop in Hamburg. Q1.How can I set up my computer for online face-to-face learning? Hardware? (web-cam and ??) Software (what do you recommend?) What does it cost?
Presentations on Blended Learning – Munich and Hamburg
A big thanks to everyone who came to the presentations last weekend in Munich and Hamburg – braving the weather! Here are some of the web-site addresses which were suggested by participants at these sessions: Search engines {{link Vivisimo}}
Introducing PODCASTS on te4be
We have decided to introduce a podcast to te4be. This is an experiment and, to start with, we are following the traditional advice of keeping it simple. The podcast is about 3 minutes long and the file is just over
Blended Learning
Information about our forthcoming book has been posted on the Macmillan website. Please visit: {{link Blended Learning}} Happy reading!
Teaching technologies: Types of technology used in teaching
From blogs to virtual learning environments and wikis, the range of technologies can be bewildering. Pete Sharma is here to help with explanations and suggestions about how you can use technology in the classroom. This is the start of an
New Technologies in ELT – conference
There is a two-day seminar on technology coming up, organised by the Learning Technologies SIG. It will be held in Norwich (University of East Anglia), UK. Topics include: Interactive Whiteboards Podcasts and Vodcasts Computer-Mediated Communication Corpora Reading and Writing Online
Happy New Year!
Happy 2007! The BESIG Conference photos are now on the web. Visit: {{link BESIG photos}} There are some interesting photos of ELT luminaries with strange expressions. Pictures of Pete’s session are numbers 185-188! Enjoy!
Merry Christmas – and an exciting 2007
Merry Christmas to everyone! next year promises many exciting ventures…. a new training course for teachers podcasts from Pete and Barney the In Company CD-ROMs and, of course, Blended Learning – our new book.. here’s to a successful 2007 to
CALL Review
The latest Journal of the Learning Technologies SIG is out. It has some great articles, including one on the future of Interactive Whiteboards in ELT (Brendan Wightman), one on Second Life (Gavin Dudeney) as well as one on podcasting. A