Steve Jobs believed that textbook publishing was an “$8 billion a year industry ripe for digital destruction” and with the ever-growing distribution of tablets – particularly, of course, the iPad – into state schools, the time could be fast approaching
BETT 2012
This week I spent several days at the massive BETT show in Olympia; always a good start to the year. Some of the stands were truly awesome in size – and cost. One primary software company I spoke to, with
Blue Monday: new business English lesson idea from Macmillan
Macmillan In Company 2012 Resources In 2012 Macmillan’s monthly e-lessons will be based on an article by myself, Pete Sharma, for you to use in class. Each article will investigate something topical to the business world and provide links for further research, information and
Bangla Desh
It’s hard to overstate just how amazing this visit to Bangla Desh was. Tuesday saw the British Council Conference on the Innovative use of ICT in Education. I had heard about the Connecting Classrooms concept, and here it was brought
New blog post from Linguarama
How do you store the new words and phrases you meet on your language course? Many students write down their new words in a notebook, along with a translation. However, it can be difficult to find the words you record
IndiaCALL- Day 2
What a great day. It began with a workshop on QR codes -used to create interactive paper- based materials. No contradiction in terms! There was a plenary talk on research in India on CALL / ICT / TELL which led
IndiaCALL conference: Day 1
I must say it is wonderful to return to the land of my birthplace after so many years. I had forgotten all about the assault on the senses – the colour and noise and chaos that is India. This morning
IndiaCALL – keynote: References
Very much looking forward to going (back!) to India to deliver the Keynote speech at the IndiaCALL conference this weekend. Here are the References for the talk. References
Elfy, welfy, and wise!
We had a great time at the PSA Christmas party. Not sure who sneaked in a video camera, but the video has now appeared on the web. We hope you enjoy it. It is only available until mid January 2012,
Education, learning and training in a Digital Society
I’m really pleased that George Drivas, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages at Doukas Schools is posting over a copy of his book Education, learning and training in a Digital Society (Express Publishing). I understand this is a