I was “flicking” through today’s Guardian Unlimited website and saw this article about Google Trends. In brief, Google Trends allows you to enter a subject in much the same way you would with the Google search engine. However, instead of
Interactive whiteboards
I’ve been looking into interactive whiteboards (IWBs) lately. Here in the UK they are very common in state-sector education but not so prevalent in private sector schools. The result for me is that I haven’t had much experience with them
More images from te4be in Second Life
Pete has been pushing ahead with te4be’s venture into the virtual. Our premises are very soon to open. You will be able to click on our book cover to reach an in-world sales outlet, and read the latest ten posts
Inter Active Terminology for Europe
I’m pretty sure I’ve blogged this before but was reminded of it today as a colleague and I tried to find a English-Spanish translation for an obscure business term. So, I thought it was worth a (second) mention. In our first
English365 InfoQuests Book 3 now available
The final set of InfoQuests to accompany the English365 series are now available to download from CUP’s website. These are based on topics from book three of the series but, like the others, can be used as stand-alone material regardless
New Macmillan Books for Teachers Resource website
The Books for Teachers Resource website is the latest edition to Macmillan’s website and includes, of course, Blended Learning along with books by ELT luminaries such as Scott Thornbury and Jim Scrivener. Click on the image of our book to find links
Review of Blended Learning
TEFL.net have published a very positive review of our Blended Learning book by Howard Brown of the Niigata University of International and Information Studies. If you haven’t yet bought a copy or are undecided whether to, click on the link below and
English UK London conference
A slightly belated note to say thank you to eveyone who attended my session at the Prospero House in London last Saturday. The most exciting thing to hear how so many teachers now have access to and integrate a range of technologies
Spot the difference!
This is the cover of our book: Blended Learning published by Macmillan earlier this year. On the right is the cover of a CD by a group from Western Sahara which was released a few weeks ago. It has been produced
Welcome to our new Blog
Welcome to our new blog. As you can see, it’s got that “under construction look” to it at the moment. We are going to work on it in the next week and having it looking like the previous version. All