So, interactive whiteboards!!

This is a subject that both Pete and I have brought up on this blog and is an important element in both the Blended Learning book and PSA‘s Blended Learning training weekends. In fact, even as I sit here typing this, Pete is across the corridor leading a session on using IWBs. He is able to do this because PSA have acquired one for this purpose.

Here I have to make a confession. I have had very limited experience using IWBs. I know the principles and theories or teaching with one and I’ve seen other people in action. But, I’ve not been able to get my hands on one for long enough to really develop any skills or to use one with a group of learners.

This is about to change. The PSA whiteboard has found a home at the school where I teach on a daily basis and I hereby resolve to take advantage of this fact and to blog my efforts.

There is very little to tell so far. The whiteboard is a 600 Series Smartboard and we have installed the Smart Notebook version 10 software to use with it. Connecting the board for use is remarkably simple. It needs to be connected to the computer using a USB lead and then a projector (also connected to the computer) has to be set up to throw its image onto the surface of the board. You then run a little program called Orient which projects a series of crosses onto the board the centres of which you have to gently press with the tip of one of the pens. Once that is complete the board is ready to go.

More to come once I’ve had the chance to learn a bit more.

Interactive whiteboards and learning curves

4 thoughts on “Interactive whiteboards and learning curves

  • 27 September 2009 at 11:13

    A whole new world of tech and teaching fun awaits you, Barney! You’ll be hooked very soon.

    • 27 September 2009 at 18:12

      Cheers Carl. Good to meet you this weekend. Will keep you posted on my IWB progress.

  • 27 September 2009 at 22:35

    i really enjoyed delivering that session yesterday. I know fair bit about them but I’m a relative newbie to using them… but I’m hooked!! Pete

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