New special edition has just been published on the web. This edition looks at New technologies.
Articles include: Blending Learning in a Web 2.0 World Authors: Gary Motteram & Pete Sharma
This article explores the role that Web 2.0 technologies can play in enhancing language learning development in a blended world. It will argue that technologies are not enough on their own to make a difference, but that teachers bring a particular understanding of language and the needs of their learners to the creation of suitable activities. It will show that the use of technologies is also changing our understanding of the profession of language education and that sociocultural theory can help us understand why this is occurring. Blended learning as a type of classroom activity will be explored showing how different definitions may be interpreted in the classroom context. The types of blended activities that can be used are illustrated through three vignettes.
Keywords: Blended learning – Web 2.0 – sociocultural theory – teacher decision-making