Macmillan Virtual Conference

"If you've got it, use it!": four approaches to using your IWB" Pete Sharma This session is based on the latest book in the Macmillan Books for Teachers series: '400 Ideas for using Interactive Whiteboards'. It looks at four approaches

BESIG, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Session G9 Title: ā€œLearning technologies in language teaching - where are we? Where do we go from here?ā€ Speakers: Kevin Westbrook, Pete Sharma Summary: This workshop will take the form of group discussions of topics decided on the day concerning


Conference: Hi-tech, lo-tech, no-tech: learning technologies in practice Keynote title: Teaching in the 21st Century: new approaches in the digital age Ā This keynote talk aims to provide a ā€˜snap-shotā€™ of TELL at this key moment in time, and will be

TESOL, Patras, Greece

Saturday 21 January 2012 QLS - Panhellenic Association of Accredited Quality Language Schools Venue: HellenicĀ  American Union, Athens Sunday 22 January 2012 TESOL Greece Venue: Patras Enhancing language learning through technology: teaching in the 21st Century This talk will

e-learning symposium, University of Southampton

Kevin is running two workshops at the e-learning symposium 2012. The first is on interactive whiteBoards for language teachers and is a taster session for teachers who want to understand how this sometimes contentious equipment can be used effectively to

Pro-T Conference, Buenos Aires

Session: Everything you ever wanted to know about Interactive Whiteboards The area of interactive whiteboards is a controversial one. This workshop is divided into five parts. Firstly, it will examine what the research says. Secondly, it will look at hardware

IATEFL, Glasgow

Pete and Byron will be attending the IATEFL conference in Glasgow.

Teacher’s Day, Alicante

Title: Teaching in the digital age: what every language teacher should know Outline: ThisĀ  talk aims to provide an essential guide to teaching in the digital age, and is divided in three parts. Part one will focus on ā€˜innovationā€™ and

English conference in Chile

Initial teacher training in Chile The challenge of quality and relevance: which critical aspects should be taken into account? Plenary talk: Pete Sharma Organised by the British Council