South West TEFL Festival 2011

Teaching in the 21st Century. Presenter: Pete Sharma This workshop aims to update participants on recent developments in technology.

IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG Pre-conference event

A one-day PCE on Interactive Whiteboards. Currently being organised by the Learning Technolgies SIG. Details to follow. The afternoon will include the session: Practical ideas for using interactive whiteboards in the language classroom The session will be based on the

IATEFL annual conference

We will all be there at some time or another! Find the venue here.

New Dawn? The Impact of Language Learning Technologies Today

This is a mini-summit organised by us in collaboration with the DTI and the British Embassy in Madrid. It aims to look at issues surrounding the increasing dependence of education on new technologies, and approaches to resolving the various issues

BESIG summer symposium

Teaching Business English with Digital Technologies. Pete is running the plenary session - entitled: Business English in the digital age The plenary offers a critical examination of what we teach and how we teach it in the field of BE.

ACBEU Conference, Brazil

Conference plenary - Pete Sharma: Teaching in the 21st Century: new approaches in the digital age Workshop - Pete Sharma: 101 practical ideas for using new technology in and beyond the language classroom Details to follow. Sponsored by: Macmillan

20th IATEFL Conference Poland, Warsaw

The digital classroom: how technology is changing language teaching Technology is notoriously fast moving; pedagogy often plays 'catch-up'. This presentation will provide a critical analysis of six technologies (from the interactive whiteboard to mobile learning); explore controversies in this area;

BELTE, Brighton

Brighton English Language Training Event 11.45 'Technology training for language teachers: problems and solutions' Pete Sharma This practical session maps the skills and knowledge necessary for effective use of the IWB. The resulting ‘can-do’ training matrix grid provides a framework

YALS Association of Language Schools, Serbia

Current Trends in Quality Language Teaching and School Management 22 & 23 October 2011, Belgrade Plenary Title: Enhancing language learning through technology: addressing the challenges This plenary will provide a snap-shot of teaching with technology in the 21st Century. It