Teacher’s Day, Barcelona

Title: Teaching in the digital age: what every language teacher should know Outline: ThisĀ  talk aims to provide an essential guide to teaching in the digital age, and is divided in three parts. Part one will focus on ā€˜innovationā€™ and

BESIG Summer symposium, Paris

App-tivities for Business English 10.30-11.00 (Paris time) Today's business English student may well own a mobile, Smartphone and a tablet pc. Today's business English teacher might use m-learning (mobile learning) in the class, or offer advice in a learner training

BESIG Annual conference

Pete will be officially launching Barney & his new e-book - Apptivities for business English. Time: Saturday 18.00-18.30 Title: Apptivities for Business English More on the conference - see the BESIG website  

Social Mobile Web 2.0 Dublin

Social Mobile Web 2.0 Dublin Pete Sharma's plenary: Teaching in a Web 2.0 world This plenary provides an overview of the world of T.E.L.L. - technology-enhanced language learning. It will provide a description of some of the latest developments; a

FECEI conference Madrid

Kevin will be at this conference physically, and Pete will be there virtually from his hotel room in Argentina! We will have a stand, so come and see us. More event details can be found here: http://www.fecei.es/?seccion=2nd-training-day  


Our proposal has been accepted for TESOL Spain! The event is titled "Teaching with Technology and the Human Touch" and our contribution is called "Producing Materials for Blended Learning: Including the Individual". It is at 9am on the Saturday and

3rd International conference on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching 2013

Plenary talk by Pete Sharma The 3rd International Conference on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching 2013 Ā ā€œResearch, Renovation and Reinforcement: Enhancing Quality in Language Educationā€Ā  The Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand http://www.fllt2013.org/index.php?mo=59&action=page&id=498414

IATEFL Conference – Liverpool

Title: Dealing with differentiation in Business English teaching Presenters: Louis Rogers and Pete Sharma Business English teachers often face the challenging scenario of teaching classes with a high level of differentiation: different needs, expectations, motivation... attendance! This workshop looks at