LABCI – Lima, Peru
Pete will be delivering a plenary and two workshops. Details to follow.
IATEFL Poland Łódź 2013 Conference
Saturday 28th September: M-learning: using apps in English Language Teaching 11.45h Summary: This session will firstly explore the concept and dimensions of M-learning (mobile learning). It will then focus on apps, providing a concise overview of the different types of
Apptivities for business English 2: painting the Forth Bridge
Apptivities for Business English 2: painting the Forth Bridge The instant we uploaded our first eBook, Apptivities for Business English, we started work on the second volume, which is launching at the Prague BESIG conference. Why? New, exciting apps appear
Macmillan Scholars conference
Metamorphosis: A Shift at the Core of ELT Plenary Language learning and technology: teaching in the 21st Century Can pedagogy keep up with the speed of technological change? This plenary talk will take a ‘snap-shot’ of teaching in the 21st
IATEFL Jobs Market Signature Event
ELT Recruitment and Training in the Digital Age Digital and online material has become an essential part of the ELT mix and publishers invest millions to introduce ever more sophisticated ways of taking learning in new directions. There are real benefits
‘The Vocabulary Organizer’ – IATEFL Presentation
Title: The Vocabulary Organizer: a new way to record lexis Abstract: How do students store new vocabulary? Alphabetically? Digitally? Using flashcards? This presentation launches the new Vocabulary Organizer from Collins COBUILD, which enables students to distinguish lexis for ‘productive’ and
Innovate in ELT Conference Canterbury
From blended to mobile: apps in language learning This session will first show how ‘blended learning’ has changed with the advent of 'm-learning' (mobile learning). It will look at some exciting apps for language learning, and provide practical teaching ideas
Richmond Young Adult Conference Cancun
Plenary: Empowering learning through technology This plenary talk will firstly provide an overview of common educational technologies, from Virtual Learning Environments to e-Book readers. It will then show a number of ways in which technology can be successfully integrated into
NATECLA National Conference – Sheffield
The Vocabulary Organizer: help your students to record lexis effectively Pete's workshop is scheduled from 9.15-10.45. Great to return to the city where I grew up....:-)
MICELT, Malaysia, 13-15 September 2014
The 10th Malaysia International Conference on English Language Teaching (MICELT 2014) Enabling Research, Making it Meet Practice Details to follow Visit: