I just popped up to the new Macmillan author blog… nice to read the following entry from Sarah about IATEFL Brighton (please forgive bolding of key words): There was a huge buzz on the Macmillan stand about Jim Scrivener’s 3rd
May – In Company monthly blog: Olympic e-lesson
Every month, the In Company team at Macmillan suggest a e-lesson from the warehouse. The suggested lesson is accompanied by a blog post. Here’s the start of the latest post from yesterday: In 1992, I went to the Olympics in
Digital Publishing for ELT: new course date – October 2011
Just a quick announcement that we have a new date for the next course for freelance editors and ELT authors keen on ‘future-proofing’ their skills in the digital age Course title: Digital skills for ELT When? 8th – 9th October
Wow – what a conference! What can I say….? A-Z IATEFL A is for app and Andi, interviewer extraordinaire B is for Brighton, beach, British Council bash C is for coffee, curry D is for Debate, digital and dogme E
EAQUALS Panel discussion
Great way to end the conference this afternoon – an essential debate on technology. The arguments shift, rage on; we develop by thinking. Or do we? Is it all about comfort zones…..failure to recognise when we need to change. Whatever
Review: Ideas for using Interactive Whiteboards
Can it be empirically proved that using an IWB improves educational outcomes? Clearly, longitudinal studies are necessary before any serious pronouncements can be made. The fact that better presentations are possible using an IWB (Task 1997), kinaesthetic students are catered
Workshop – Stuttgart
We THINK the workshop has started well. Scary! Enjoying leading people into fog (what is a VLE? cuisenaire rods? dogme or DOGMA?) Then pouring light into their lives……ha ha
TESOL Madrid
Three zillion years ago, I started teaching in Madrid with a piece of chalk. Great to go back to Marid – as ever – and see Graham Stanley run a race between teacher with chalk and a teacher on an
BESIG Summer Symposium: Business English in the digital age
I’m really excited to be giving the plenary at the forthcoming conference in Preston this June at the BESIG conference. The plenary, Business English in the digital age, offers a critical examination of what we teach and how we teach it.
BESIG Issues
Just writing up the PCE (pre-conference event) at the BESIG conference Bielefeld for inclusion in the Learning Technologies page for BESIG Issues. Reflecting back, it was a great experience. Here is a picture taken by the English360 team and included in