Wednesday 11th April – Barney Barrett and Pete Sharma present their new book at IATEFL, Brighton
Digital Language Learning and Teaching: Research, Theory, and Practice
TIRF (The International Research Foundation for English Language Education) will soon be releasing another volume in a co-published series with Routledge. The book is called Digital Language Learning and Teaching: Research, Theory, and Practice and is due to be published
Events 2017
Happy New Year! I’ve just updated the events page for 2017. Looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues from around the world at workshops, conferences and training events!
Blended Learning webinar with Pete Sharma: Tuesday 11th October
Webinar Linguaid n°12 : Making a success of corporate blended language learning with Pete Sharma Details: Pete Sharma Webinar on Blended Learning
Blended Learning in language teaching Newsletter
Have you subscribed to our new newsletter on Blended Learning? We are delighted to say that volume two is on its way and will be sent out at the start of June. Don’t miss out on this free newsletter –
Blended Learning in Language Teaching Newsletter
We are launching a free, new quarterly Newsletter, dedicated specifically to exploring the concept of Blended Learning in language teaching. This is a fascinating area. The first Newsletter is due out next month. If you’d like to Subscribe, please just
ICT in EAP – new website
I’m really excited about launching a new blog. It’s called ICT in EAP and focuses on uses of new technology specific to English for Academic Purposes. Why a new blog? I felt strongly that ICT has permeated so many aspects of English
The perfect blend – article in MET
The perfect blend Pete Sharma English language teaching is in the middle of a paradigm shift – the change from printed materials to digital. In this article, based on my BESIG (Business English Special Interest Group) presentation in Bonn, November
NEW Article Series from OUP – Making the most of technology in business English
NEW Article Series – Making the most of technology in business English Part one – Grammar and Vocabulary With so many digital resources at your fingertips how do you decide which ones to use? In this article series, Pete Sharma
One-month, online course launch: Getting Blended Learning Right
I don’t remember the exact hour of the precise day of which month I got bitten by the Blended Learning bug, but it has been a long and interesting flirtation, through connotation and translation (‘co-existencia’), from platform to platform, and