I don’t remember the exact hour of the precise day of which month I got bitten by the Blended Learning bug, but it has been a long and interesting flirtation, through connotation and translation (‘co-existencia’), from platform to platform, and recently to research via the flipped classroom……some of the fruits of this labour have been used (to mix metaphors) to enrich and inform a new, online course called: Getting Blended Learning Right
You can get iTDi certified in Blended Learning in this four-week iTDi Advanced course. You’ll learn what blended learning is and isn’t, why so many who try to implement a blended approach rarely get it right, and what’s involved in setting up a blended language learning program. Whether you’re a teacher, trainer, manager or principal you’ll learn how to build a blended program that’s just right for your particular context.
Live sessions:
- Sunday March 8th – course participants only (60 minutes)
- Sunday March 15th – course participants only (60 minutes)
- Sunday March 22nd – course participants only (60 minutes)
- Sunday March 29th – course participants only (60 minutes)
Time: 13:00 – 14:00 GMT (Don’t forget to check your local time)
Enroll in the entire course for only US $59
Course + Evaluation + Certificate of Accomplishment US $89
To book your place on the course, visit: http://itdi.pro/itdihome/petesharma.php