We are delighted to announce that English UK are offering input in using the IWB in the language classroom.
Training in using Interactive whiteboards with English UK
Session leader: Pete Sharma
As their website announces – now is your chance to register for these highly rated training days. Covering a range of topics, English UK’s training days demonstrate English UK’s drive to provide high quality CPD to all school staff, from teachers to school directors. If you want to sound out new techniques, have a look at their website and reserve your place!
Details and booking forms are now listed with each session. English UK expect demand to be high for all sessions, so please book early to avoid disappointment. Don’t forget to read the terms and conditions carefully.
If you experience any difficulties or have any questions, English UK invite you to get in touch with the Professional Services Team at training@englishuk.com.
Saturday, February 11th, 2012
Getting the most out of your Interactive Whiteboard: approaches and pedagogies with Pete Sharma
There are various approaches to teaching with an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB): using the board to run PowerPoint, the Internet, and regular EFL programs such as CD-ROMs in class; using the vast range of software which comes with the board; using ‘whiteboardable’ material, so-called ‘interactive course books’; and of course, creating your own materials. As teachers become familiar with using the IWB, they begin to marry the use of the hardware and software with their own pedagogical know-how in new and exciting ways. Innovative ideas on presenting, practising and reviewing language start to emerge as the technology becomes normalised.
As mentioned, course details and booking forms can be found on the English UK site. Just to say I’d love to see you in London next February!