Looks like a great day is being lined up in advance of BESIG this autumn in the vicinity of Bielefeld…. Event 1: Gavin Dudeney on Digital Literacies Event 2: Pete Sharma on Business English materials in the digital age Event 3:
Business Issues
Wow – a cracking issue of the latest Business Issues has just landed on my doormat. Read sage words from the joint co-ordinator, Paul East, who is also (incidentally) a Director of PSA. Interesting stuff from sooo many writers …. Maurice
Cold and sunny, a perfect day to revisit my Alma Mater. Great morning meeting and then the Virtual Forum, which went well. Always amazing to see those names of participants logging in from all over the world – in this conference, especially from
Cambridge World of Work virtual conference
Details of tomorrow’s event are up on the Cambridge ESOL website. Looking forward to driving over there tomorrow….
English UK Plenary – impact of new technology on business English
A great day in London yesterday. Really enjoyed Ian Badger’s opening plenary & fellow PSA Director Byron Rusell’s session. Here are the graphics-lite versions of my plenary Power Points, plus a two-page Word document – the session worksheet & handout: Courses
Cambridge World of Work Virtual conference – 12th May
Next Wednesday’s World of Work virtual conference schedule is as follows: The impact of new technology on language teaching, learning and assessment – Pete Sharma An observer’s reflection of the 2009 World of Work Forum – Russell Whitehead Learning &
Mind Maps in Business English – new e-lesson
The latest business English e-lesson has just been uploaded by Macmillan. It is on Mind mapping. You can down load the latest lesson here: Mind maps in business English.
Blended Learning – 8th update available
We are delighted to say that the next update for Blended learning is now available This focuses firstly on M-Learning – mobile learning – and then provides a practical, step-by-step guide on how to upload videos to the popular website
Demystifying Digital – new course dates
Please note that this course is now scheduled to run in Oxford on 25th – 26th September 2010.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary – 8th Edition
Woke up to the sound of the postman delivering this door-stop-size new dictionary….within seconds of finishing my Shreddies the CD-ROM was loaded on my desk-top. I mean, where else would you start looking at a new lexicon? Dove straight into