I am in the middle of writing some training materials on using digital resources in language teaching and came across this mind map on using mind maps. I have to admit that I am not somebody who uses mind maps
Publishing Yourself, Part 2 – Apple or Kindle?
Last time we had a look at iBooks Author, Apple’s very own self publishing tool. As I mentioned, the main problem – if problem it is – concerns the fact that any ebook written using the iAuthor platform will
Training day on Digital technologies in Santiago
I am having a great day here with a lovely group. This is the session on blogs. The group have a few messages: We’re havinga great time too! It’s after munch!!! We had a nice lunch
Olympic e-lesson blog post
The latest Macmillan business English blog post has recently been posted. It is about the black market in Olympic tickets. I cannot wait for the actual events themselves to start – I’ll be going to watch the athletics. From Stratford
Milan PSA Mini-Summit on Digital Learning set for October 4th
Following from our mini conferences on language learning in the digital age which we held this year in Madrid and Barcelona, I’m delighted to tell everyone that we can confirm our autumn conference will be held in Milan on October
IWB workshop – Colchester
I had a great trip to Colchester last week to work with teachers on using IWBs. We had a very interesting look at pros and cons – lots of food for thought which is currently feeding into the training materials
Teaching students from Taibah University
I am having a lesson with a very nice group of students from Saudi Arabia. We are studying blogs! Here are some of their thoughts: ……………………………………………………. I am having a nice time in England – Akram i want to say thank you
Wake up to Wikis!
Something special to start the week, as we welcome our new guest blogger, Jo Steel. From now on we’ll be inviting the occasional blog from writers who work with us on special projects, and Jo will be helping us out
Google announces the Nexus 7
Tablets are the place to be right now. I am, of course, delighted with my iPad 2 – a constant companion which really has changed the way I work and play (or at least made both much easier). Newest kid
Don’t take away my drugstore…….
I was just about to teach today when the boyz from the Black Stuff arrived…..they wanted to take the OHP out of the room. Why? Because it’s all digital today ……………and there was a (Dios forbid) data projector in the