I was just about to teach today when the boyz from the Black Stuff arrived…..they wanted to take the OHP out of the room. Why? Because it’s all digital today ……………and there was a (Dios forbid) data projector in the room.

Wah! Don’t take away my drugstore…:-)

I was all ready with my OHTs and task for students to produce word maps and display them to the group…

Luckily I was with an administrative angel who sent the Men in Black back to the lagoon (aka the IT room) from whence they came and let me KEEP my OHT. Oh, frabjous day…..

I really believe in the co-existence of technologies. I like an IWB in my room, and also a WHITEBOARD. Static, ancient, but a friend indeed.

Definitely, I’d like to teach with state-of-the-art tech and a whole range of fall-back things…like an OHT.

End of rant.

My favourite teaching moment of last year? A Russian girl who had NEVER SEEN an OHP in her LIFE!

Should I begin to feel old? (Don’t answer that!) Nah – it’s called c0-existencia in Spanish – the co-existence of old and new…

whatever is APPROPRIATE, I say……:-)

Don’t take away my drugstore…….

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