10629304_10152718020206855_1035628467112532113_o10484163_10152360184187617_5664360718853907660_oIt was a great experience, delivering the plenary at the first CULI-LITU conference in Bangkok, Thailand last week. The food rivalled (or surpassed?!) Malaysia! The opening ceremony was graceful, and at the end we all piled onto the stage for this photograph!

Many thanks to the hosts and to theĀ conferenceĀ organiser, Monthira, who helped me so much due to her great organisational skills!

Here is the list of academic references, plus a number of books on the topic of m-learning, along with the link to the (free) White Paper on apps and tablets in schools Shaun Wilden and Diane Bannister. Enjoy!

Mobile learning

Plenary talk at CULI-LITU conference, Bangkok

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