This is a brief description of the training session I mentioned on {{link 6 June}} and the reactions and comments of the participants. The session was based around a worksheet which can be downloaded {{link here}}. Click on
EL Gazette: Reviews in brief
As July’s edition of the EL Gazette hits the staffroom shelves, Pete’s Reviews in Brief are, as ever, to be found in the EL Reviews section. This month’s Book of the month is Phrasal Verbs Plus – the new dictionary
English Teaching Matters
The latest “English Teaching Matters” journal has just come out (Summer 2005). Many thanks to the Editor-in-Chief, Karen Richardson, and the team for including a short promotional article: “A new web-site for language teachers” – promoting….this site! It’s a cracking
{{link Newsmap}} takes its data from {{link Google News}} to produce a graphic representation of the latest news stories. It can be set to display the results from the various international versions of Google News, eg US, UK,
Business Listening on the Web
I have put up a list of links in the Materials section to websites around the world which provide {{link radio business news reports}}. This was originally published in the BESIG newsletter a year or so ago. I have
M.Ed. Dissertation
I am currently thinking of the exact focus of my dissertation, which will be on blended learning. I am scouring the literature for definitions of terms such as E-learning, and reading up on using the Internet for language teaching. My
CD-ROM dictionaries to go "headword to headword"
At the teaching centre where I work, I have installed all the current CD-ROM versions of the advanced learner’s dictionaries from the main publisherson computers in the self-access room as well as in the teachers’ room. These are the Cambridge
On-line tutoring course
I have come to the end of my 4-week course in on-line tutoring. It has been a very enjoyable experience. I would recommend the course book: E-tivities, by Gilly Salmon.
ETAS, Bern
A great experience – running a workshop in the chapel. I hope photos will follow! Thanks to everyone who attended the session! For teachers wishing to subscribe to the business English e-lesson from Macmillan, you can subscribe here: {{link
Additions to the Materials page
These are links to a pair of articles about the {{link Macmillan CD-ROM dictionary}} and {{link New technology and language teaching}}.