{{link http://www.marumushi.com/apps/newsmap/index.cfm Newsmap}} takes its data from {{link http://news.google.com Google News}} to produce a graphic representation of the latest news stories. It can be set to display the results from the various international versions of Google News, eg US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, India etc., and users can also select which categories of stories they wish to display, eg world news, national, business, sport etc. The size of the boxes which represent each news story depends on the number of news reports about that story which Google has found. However, when you click on the box, Newsmap only takes you to the first story on the list.
I am sure there are possibilities for using this with learners as part of a lesson based around finding and exploiting authentic news texts. However, if anyone has any other more original ideas, it would be great to hear about them.


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