Many thanks to everyone who attended the Apptastic webinar last Friday. It was great to deliver this in London. I said I would post a list of apps mentioned in the language part of the talk – and here it
BESIG Prague – Apptivities: the story continues
Saturday 9th November 15.00 – 15.45 Session D7 (45 min) Apptivities for Business English 2: painting the Forth Bridge Increasing numbers of business English students have Smartphones and tablets. Which apps can best help their efforts to learn a language?
IATEFL session – Bibliography
I really enjoyed giving the talk Dealing with differentiation in Business English teaching with Louis Rogers for Richmond last week at IATEFL, Liverpool. Great to see so many familiar faces in the audience. As promised, the Bibliography. Handout
Roadshow – Argentina: Plenary Handouts
The amazing Roadshow has come to an end. Wow. What an experience…… could I ever forget……: Jujuy….how do you PRONOUNCE it? spell it? agonising over whether a carnivore should or shouldn’t eat cuddly animals llike llamas…can you resist llama kidneys
FECEI report
As I mentioned in a previous post, I was attending this conference in Madrid this weekend (9 February 2013) in person, and Pete was hoping to do his presentation from a computer in Argentina. I was very much hoping that
FECEI conference in Madrid
We have an interesting event coming up in Madrid at the beginning of next month. Pete is making a presentation, but due to other commitments, Pete will be presenting via Adobe Connect from his hotel room in Argentina! Just in
BESIG: Apps session – handout
I’ve been trying to collate all the apps mentioned by participants at the end of my session on Apps at the BESIG conference in Stuttgart …. so far to no avail! Thanks to the generosity of participants, there were so
IWB workshop – Colchester
I had a great trip to Colchester last week to work with teachers on using IWBs. We had a very interesting look at pros and cons – lots of food for thought which is currently feeding into the training materials
Izmir, Turkey
I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Izmir, Turkey last weekend. Hard eating choices – meat or fish? Luckily (like Blended Learning) I managed the best of both worlds. Thanks to everyone for coming to my talk – here are the
40 practical ideas for using technology in language teaching – Chile
It was really great to meet everyone in Chile last week. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions covering 40 practical ideas – run in Vina del Mar (Thursday) and Santiago (Friday). On the personal front, it was fabulous to have a