PSA are just back from a successful trip to Manchester! Pete attended four days of sessions – more anon. Byron was our man at the Materials Writing SIG Pre-conference event. I don’t attend IATEFL myself, but there are some good things
Digital tools and technology in training
I have always been of the opinion that the decisions we make as educators should be informed by research. As such, I am glad that a colleague, Deborah Capras, is undertaking some research in the area of digital tools and
Creating screencasts
We rarely write about software on this blog, but I am currently in the process of creating some screencasts for online training material. I tried several free applications, such as Jing, to produce the videos, but they were all so
FECEI report
As I mentioned in a previous post, I was attending this conference in Madrid this weekend (9 February 2013) in person, and Pete was hoping to do his presentation from a computer in Argentina. I was very much hoping that
FECEI conference in Madrid
We have an interesting event coming up in Madrid at the beginning of next month. Pete is making a presentation, but due to other commitments, Pete will be presenting via Adobe Connect from his hotel room in Argentina! Just in
TESOL Spain 2013
Our proposal has been accepted for TESOL Spain! The event is titled “Teaching with Technology and the Human Touch” and Kevin and Byron will be making a contribution entitled “Producing Materials for Blended Learning: Including the Individual”. It is scheduled
Professional development
In the year up to BESIG 2011 in Dubrovnik I focussed on people’s attitudes to blended learning. This was very interesting and very productive, and was truly professional development for me. This year, I am planning on looking at the
Mind maps
I am in the middle of writing some training materials on using digital resources in language teaching and came across this mind map on using mind maps. I have to admit that I am not somebody who uses mind maps
New competition
Our next newsletter will be coming out soon. In the meantime, you can take part in our latest competition by going to the competition page and giving us a response to the question there. The page is here.
Authentic materials and technology
Pete and I were in Stuttgart on Saturday giving a one-day training day on how to use technology to enhance the use of authentic materials in an in-company teaching environment. It was a challenging day for us, not least because