Great event last month in Sitges! Slides for my presentation on ‘Making Blended Learning’ work now available
Training course at Bell
Just started running a new course at Bell here in Cambridge – an Introduction to IT in ELT. Here are two participants’ reflections on Day one Anna and Darina: The group’s fantastic! We can hear different accents and languages. We
BESIG Teaser video on YouTube
BESIG Workshop – Blending print and digital BESIG has just uploaded the teaser for my presentation in Bonn. Click here to see the video:
Launching the Vocabulary Organizer
It was a great last Friday in the first week of the pre-sessionals here at the Centre of Applied Linguistics, Warwick University. At long last, I could GIVE my students a Vocabulary Organizer, as
Macmillan hosts one-week sale of bestselling apps
This week (Mon-Fri inclusive) Macmillan are running a sale on all of their MacEd mobile apps. This includes the premium version of the Sounds app, all 5 IELTS Skills apps, and the Macmillan Diccionario Pocket. Apple and Android versions are
Learners’ Dictionaries – new blog post from Linguarama
Which dictionary do you use in your language studies? The choice is wide. This post looks at some recent publications – paper-based and online dictionaries (electronic). For the rest of this blog post, which also includes a look at dictionary apps, please
BESIG Prague
What a brilliant weekend in Prague! So great to catch up with old friends, ‘old’ friends and make new / young ones. Thanks to all the people who came to my session: ‘Apptivities for Business English 2 – Painting the Forth
English for Academic Studies – Collaboration Works!
Epigeum. It’s not a name that will automatically be familiar to those of you who know the old faces of UK ELT, but it’s about to launch a brand-new suite of EAP courses for Universities using a radical collaborative publishing
Interested in Writing EFL Material? This new SIG is for You!
It goes without saying that the majority of EFL teachers are also writers. Many of us have ambitions to be published, or (increasingly) to publish themselves, but it’s a big wide world out there and budding writers – with whatever
Macmillan Education – sale week on all apps
Just a quick heads-up to start the week…Macmillan Education is running a sale on all their mobile apps this week. This includes the premium version of the excellent Sounds app, all 5 IELTS Skills apps, and the Macmillan Diccionario Pocket. Apple and Android versions are