YALS Belgrade Thanks to everyone who made last weekend’s trip SO memorable! It was an amazing experience……..from my drive into the city and a great meal on Friday to the session itself, meeting people and sightseeing! For those who attended the plenary
Return to alma mater
I am always delighted to return to my alma mater – Cambridge, this time to give a talk in the CUP bookshop. Here are the details: How blended learning can give you a competitive edge with Pete Sharma (aka moi)
Plenary sessions – Salvador and Sao Paulo
Whao – I’m slowly beginning to recover from my amazing trip to (bold beautiful brash brain-melting) Brazil. It was great to do the plenary sessions, firstly at ACBEU in Salvador, and then at alumni in Sao Paulo. Thanks to the
Mexico city
What a trip! Bizarre delay had us sitting on an aeroplane for hours at Heathrow. Missed the connection in JFK but a lovely lady from Delta got me on night flight to Mexico city. Arriving at half four and flying
EAQUALS Conference (Prague): plenary / workshop summaries
The plenary and workshop summaries from many of the sessions at April’s EAQUALS Conference in Prague have been posted on the EAQUALS website, including: Plenary: enhancing classroom language learning through technology (Pete Sharma) Pete’s Technology Workshop: PPT also posted on-line
Symposium – Madrid: ¿un nuevo amanacer?
A few photographs of our great day last week in Madrid! Opened by the Director of the Department of Trade & Investment……what a venue….!
Authentic materials and technology
Pete and I were in Stuttgart on Saturday giving a one-day training day on how to use technology to enhance the use of authentic materials in an in-company teaching environment. It was a challenging day for us, not least because
Workshop – Stuttgart
We THINK the workshop has started well. Scary! Enjoying leading people into fog (what is a VLE? cuisenaire rods? dogme or DOGMA?) Then pouring light into their lives……ha ha
PSA events….it’s all happening!
Wow – our events page is filling up…. fast! We have added a number of new happenings recently…. Firstly, details of the South West Festival have come through – it looks like a brilliant programme at the Globe in Exeter
Networking in English
Happy New Year! I’m really excited about being involved in a BESIG initiative – online professional development workshops that will take place on the first Sunday of each month throughout 2011. Details on the first one – about Networking in