I have put up a list of links in the Materials section to websites around the world which provide {{link http://kevwes9.dreamhosters.com/pages/mats/mats_web_listening.htm radio business news reports}}. This was originally published in the BESIG newsletter a year or so ago. I have up-dated a couple of the links and cut some others. The list still offers listening with British, American, Australian, New Zealand and Irish accents. Any suggestions of other similar websites would be gratefully accepted and added to keep the list growing and up-to-date.
Business Listening on the Web
We cannot always carry our computers with us! The BBC is now making some of its radio programmes available as PODCASTS. These are audio files which can be downloaded from the internet and saved to be played on MP3 or iPOD players. A range of programmes from the latest in Black Music to Business and Technology is available.
This means you can listen to the same programme as many times as you like, at times when you have nothing else to do, when you are driving for example. Plus, if there is something you do not understand, you can always play it back to someone who can explain it to you, a teacher for example!
Information on this service can be found on
Brent is quite right. Podcasts are an excellent source of listening materials. A couple of high quality examples from the BBC include “In Business” – a weekly, 30-minute programme on trends in business and work:
and “From Our Own Correspondant” – 30-minute audio essay from around the world: