Great British Council events in Barquisimeto and Maturin. Here’s the Handout of the workshop ’30 practical ideas for using technology in the language classroom’. 30 Practical ideas for using technology
Scholarships available for our forthcoming online course
We are delighted to offer a number of scholarships for our tutor-led online course on Blended Learning in Language teaching next month, April. For further details, download this document: 2016 BL course – new dates
Tunisia ISET and Tate conference, Jerba
Great to be part of this conference – remotely! Here’s a 5-page .pdf of my Power Point presentation on New technology and motivation. Motivation through new technology PPT Thanks – to Kamel Echikh and everyone who attended my Skype session!
Learning Technologies 2016 Olympia
Wow. What a fantastic afternoon at Olympia. First, a great chance to don the old Virtual reality goggles. Second, the first time I met the acronym LCMS – I’d previously only met LMS and CMS. The new generation of LMS
Blended Learning in Language Teaching Newsletter
We are launching a free, new quarterly Newsletter, dedicated specifically to exploring the concept of Blended Learning in language teaching. This is a fascinating area. The first Newsletter is due out next month. If you’d like to Subscribe, please just
Modern English Teacher January 2016
“Do you really need an Interactive whiteboard when teaching EAP?” I was asked this question recently by a colleague whilst teaching on a pre-sessional course at a UK university. It started me thinking about how I use technology and
Great event last month in Sitges! Slides for my presentation on ‘Making Blended Learning’ work now available
Training course at Bell
Just started running a new course at Bell here in Cambridge – an Introduction to IT in ELT. Here are two participants’ reflections on Day one Anna and Darina: The group’s fantastic! We can hear different accents and languages. We
BALEAP presentation – Vocabulary Organizer
I’m delighted that my BALEAP presentation of the Vocabulary Organizer was filmed. I hear from Collins that there is interest from a couple of universities in piloting this ground-breaking book! Here’s the link to the presentation: BALEAP Vocabulary Organizer
ICT in EAP – new website
I’m really excited about launching a new blog. It’s called ICT in EAP and focuses on uses of new technology specific to English for Academic Purposes. Why a new blog? I felt strongly that ICT has permeated so many aspects of English