TEFL.net have published a very positive review of our Blended Learning book by Howard Brown of the Niigata University of International and Information Studies. If you haven’t yet bought a copy or are undecided whether to, click on the link below and
English UK London conference
A slightly belated note to say thank you to eveyone who attended my session at the Prospero House in London last Saturday. The most exciting thing to hear how so many teachers now have access to and integrate a range of technologies
Spot the difference!
This is the cover of our book: Blended Learning published by Macmillan earlier this year. On the right is the cover of a CD by a group from Western Sahara which was released a few weeks ago. It has been produced
Advertising E-lesson
Is advertising permeating every aspect of our lives? Does what we can smell influence how we spend our money? Click to download the latest e-lesson.
Pete's BESIG Berlin handouts
My handout and PowerPoint file for the BESIG presentation are now available to download from the BESIG website. Now we have our new blog up and running it is possible to add comments to the postings. Therefore if you were in
Welcome to our new Blog
Welcome to our new blog. As you can see, it’s got that “under construction look” to it at the moment. We are going to work on it in the next week and having it looking like the previous version. All
Handout – Approaches to business English
I have just analysed the Mind Maps created last weekend at the Hueber session in Frankfurt. You can see the results by clicking here. Thanks again to all who participated. Pete
Programmes for BESIG, Berlin and the Learning Technologies SIG conference, Milan
The programme for the BESIG conference is now available. Click here: BESIG Berlin Also, for the Learning Technologies SIG conference in Milan Click here: Milan Conference Maybe see you later this month!
Approaches to Business English – Frankfurt – last Saturday
Thanks to everyone who came to the workshop ‘Approaches to Business English’ last Saturday at the Hueber day in Frankfurt. I hope you enjoyed it. I will post the Handout next week-end. It will include a comparison of the Mind
Is this the world's first lesson about 'Radiohead'?
Well, it’s not really about Radiohead as such, more the way they are choosing to sell their latest music – using what is termed, in the latest business English e-lesson from Macmillan, ‘The honesty box principle’. To download the lesson