Macmillan have recently sent out the latest business English e-lesson. It looks at the soaring cost of eating out……enjoy!
Inter Active Terminology for Europe
I’m pretty sure I’ve blogged this before but was reminded of it today as a colleague and I tried to find a English-Spanish translation for an obscure business term. So, I thought it was worth a (second) mention. In our first
Mind Maps – Nuernberg workshop on Business English
Hi to everyone who attended last Saturday’s session ‘Approaches to Business English’. I have merged the information on the five Mind Maps and put it in a Handout. The content is divided into three sections: core areas, semi-core areas and
te4be – opening in Second Life
Exciting news. te4be is opening soon in Second Life. Pete and Barney are renting space in Edunation – one of the islands owned by Dudeney Ge. Watch this space! BTW – that’s my avatar on the left – Predip Almodovar!
Plenary – Learning Technologies Conference – Milan
Many thanks to everyone who started their week attending the plenary session in Milan I hope you enjoyed the plenary talks and have since been able to obtain a huge top-up of caffeine… As promised, I am pleased to post the graphics-lite
IATEFL, Learning Technologies SIG – newsletter editor
I am delighted to be joining the committee of the Learning Technologies SIG and will take over editing the newsletter from January 2008. I am really looking forward to this challenging new position.
English365 InfoQuests Book 3 now available
The final set of InfoQuests to accompany the English365 series are now available to download from CUP’s website. These are based on topics from book three of the series but, like the others, can be used as stand-alone material regardless
New Macmillan Books for Teachers Resource website
The Books for Teachers Resource website is the latest edition to Macmillan’s website and includes, of course, Blended Learning along with books by ELT luminaries such as Scott Thornbury and Jim Scrivener. Click on the image of our book to find links
Pete's session in Nuernberg
Thanks to everyone who came to the session in Nuernberg. The results of the first Mind Map task will be posted next weekend! In the meantime, feel free to post any comments or questions.
Blended Learning course – January 2008
Last opportunity to book! We are taking bookings for this course for one more week only, so please contact Paul East at Pyramid Multimedia Consulting if you wish to book a place – registration closes 30th November. Hope to see you there!