Ever felt like sliding down a chute in order to get to the cafeteria? If so, then the latest Business English e-lesson from Macmillan will be to your taste. It’s called ‘The wacky office’ – a place where employees…slide down
Review – Blended Learning (ELTJ)
“The use of new technologies in English language teaching has experienced an increment in the last years. However, very little has been published so far on the how-to aspect of technology integration in this context. Two recent books fill in
London Language show – Handout
Thanks to everyone who came to my session ‘Blended learning – what’s new?’ on Saturday at the London Language show. Click here for the Handout – which contains: a list of definitions for Blended Learning grammar activity – ‘Conditional conundrum’
New business English e-lesson
The latest business English e-lesson – Holistic Holidays – is now available to download. The lesson is a veritable tonic for mind and body…. relax and enjoy it!
London Language Show
I’m looking forward to the London Language show this weekend. I’ll be there on Saturday – hope to see you at Olympia if you’re going! My session – ‘Blended Learning – what’s new’ – is at 15.30 pm.
Download the lastest e-lesson
How fast is your Internet connection? Which country is best prepared for the high-speed future? For the lastest business English e-lesson from Macmillan, on the benefits for businesses of fibre-optic cable connections, just click on the link, print-and-go! Enjoy…….
Interactive graphics from the Financial Times
The graphics department of the Financial Times have been working overtime recently to provide visual and audio summaries of the events of the current crisis hitting the business and financial world. They can accessed by clicking on In depth on
EL Gazette – reviews in brief
“One highlight of this course is the self-study DVD-ROM”. To read more from this extract from the Book of the month – The Business (Upper Intermediate), John Allison and Jeremy Townend, with Paul Emmerson (Macmillan) – see the latest ‘Reviews in
TEFLIS – Port Regis
It was great to run a workshop for TEFLIS in the wondrous surroundings of Port Regis. Please click to download a seven-page Handout of the final Power Point presentation – ‘New pedagogies’ -although pls note that the file size is about 5mbs. Enjoy.
An apology about emails
As Pete wrote a couple of weeks ago, we’ve had problems with the email for te4be.com. To cut a long story short, we haven’t been receiving any. That has now been resolved and dozens of unread messages flooded into our