Macmillan have now made the webinar available to download for people to view on their iPod/iPhone. They can also watch an edited version that streams right on the webpage. The direct link for this is here: You can also
Interview in Second Life
Here is a recent message from Nik Peachey: for those of you who weren’t able to get into Second Life for these chat shows, you can find audio recordings of the interviews here. Scott Thornbury Jeremy Harmer Sound
Macmillan – PSA Digital Days
Wondering how to use an Interactive whiteboard? Or how to exploit podcasts, blogs and wikis in the language classoom? Join us for one of our three UK Digital Days in May. Brighton, Edinbirgh and Bournemouth. Barney and myself, aka. the dynamic
Macmillan Dictionary Online
The Macmillan English Dictionary Online has been in existence for some time but previously, it was only accessible to those who had already bought a copy of the MED in paper form. What those who are not on Macmillan’s emailing
The first Blended Learning course
It was fantastic to be involved in the first Blended Learning course run by Pete Sharma Associates last weekend. We had 12 participants, a perfect number to get the diversity of experience we craved. Thanks to guest trainer Julia Glass
Pecha Kucha evening – IATEFL Cardiff
You can now see my most schizophrenic moment, the Jekyll and Hyde Pecha Kucha presentation at IATEFL Cardiff. The presentation starts (roughly) at 56 minutes. Rumours that I took of my shirt at the end are true. Thanks to the
Guest writer – British Council BBC
I am delighted to be this month’s Guest writer on the British Council BBC Teaching English website Do take a peek.
Phew! What a fantastic experience this morning – thanks to all who attended and the tech guys who made it possible. Sorry if you lost the connection – the good news is that it will be archived shortly! will blog
IATEFL Cardiff
Greetings from the conference. Thanks to everyone who came to the New Inside Out Digital session – it wa a cracker. Huge thanks to Claire Sparkes for her IWB skills and to everyone in the team who helped make it
I’m delighted to be speaking next month on a Macmillan webinar. If you want to sign up, just visit the Macmillan site. It’s free to view, but remember, you have to pre-register!