It was fantastic to be involved in the first Blended Learning course run by Pete Sharma Associates last weekend. We had 12 participants, a perfect number to get the diversity of experience we craved.

Thanks to guest trainer Julia Glass from Promethean who among other things demonstrated Learner Voting Devices. Also to PSA trainer Francis Jones who enthralled us in the Smart board workshop. Wealso put a Mimio through its paces.

Co-trainer and PSA Director Kevin pulled out the stops on podcasting, blogs and wikis and Moodle. Course participants are usig Moodle post course, making it a real Blended Learning course, with format mirroring content.

Barney – site builder, co-author – was as wonderfully helpful as ever, walking the fine line between omni-presence and invisibilty he treads so well. His fan club, like a mushroom in the dark, grows steadily.

A great weekend and I have blogged events on the British Council / BBC Teaching English site.

If you are thinking of taking the next course in June, my advice is to get your application in early as it is likely to prove popular.

The first Blended Learning course

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