Just found the complete programme is on the web. This event is being held at IH in London on Saturday 8th May 16.10 – 17.00: Closing Plenary: New Technology and Business English – Pete Sharma (Macmillan Education) This session will be
Latest e-lesson on ‘Augmented Reality’
No need to hold up your iPhone, Blackberry or Google Android in order to search for the latest e-lesson from Macmillan…just download it from here! Thanks to Barney for the original idea, and to Nicky Hockly for the term ‘geo-tagging’…….
Blended Learning – Madrid
Thanks to all the teachers who came to the session in Madrid at the Macmillan Teacher’s day. It was great to be there! If you need anything from the talk, just drop me mail! Hope you had a good rest
EL Gazette Reviews in brief – disclaimer
Wow! What a FANTASTIC closing sentence to the review of Networking in English in the EL Gazette… and NO, I didn’t write it….honestly, such narcissism and selfpraise would be unworthy of me…. enjoying the multiple tweets of the audience at
Augmented reality – a new podcast from Pete & Barney
What is ‘augmented reality’? Click on the link below to listen to our latest podcast and find out! The podcast (created by Pete and Barney as an example of a teacher-produced podcast) is a three-minute clip from a business programme
Controversies in ELT – Maurice Claypole
Review copy of Maurice’s new book has just crossed my desk. No real question as to the two chapters I look forward to most: The best of both worlds (Implementing blended learning in ELT) Second Life comes of age (Teaching
Mark Powell & Pete Sharma: Certificate in International Business English Training
MARK POWELL & PETE SHARMA English UK / Trinity College London Certificate in International Business English Training (ENGLISH UK/TRINITY Cert IBET) 28 September – 6 October 2010 at I.L.I. in Budapest – Gödöllő, Hungary On Mark’s well-established course, there will
World of Work – online Virtual Conference – Cambridge ESOL
The World of Work unit of Cambridge ESOL are pan style=”font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;”>The World of Work unit of Cambridge ESOL are My It mascara http://jaimefaire.fr/nike/work-from-home-hotel-reservations-etc use I just and online business system review various. It WEN will work part
The trials and sorrows of an IATEFL conference goer……
How does anybody ever choose anything to go to at an IATEFL conference? I’m only there for ONE day and already there are too many choices. Only schizophrenics need apply. Session one -should I go to: Teaching the mobile generation –
ELT Networking event
I am really looking forward to going to this: NETWORKING EVENT 18.30 – 20.45 – Wednesday, 31 March 2010 – Embankment Level, 80 Strand, London, WC2R ORL It’s for finding out about the variety of options open in the world of ELT