How does anybody ever choose anything to go to at an IATEFL conference? I’m only there for ONE day and already there are too many choices. Only schizophrenics need apply. Session one -should I go to: Teaching the mobile generation – Nicky Hockly (The Consultants-E & Pearson Longman) – iPods, MP3 players, mobile, phones, digital cameras… OR The IWB: A teacher-centred tool; yes or no? Mary Henderson (Embassy CES Brighton, Study Group). Well at least I can answer the question in the title.
Session two: should I go to Teachitworld or Task design in virtual worlds? OR the Dude (move over Jeff Bridges): Attitudes to technology Gavin Dudeney (The Consultants-E) OR Technology without tears – ha, it makes me wanna cry….
Then session three: do I go for: Web 2.0: What’s in it for teachers? Burcu Akyol (ISTEK Schools) OR Second life Dennis Newson. “Second life? I can’t even cope with my first life.” Dennis says it all.
The rest of the day is no easier: IF I go to ‘Before and after Twitter: Personal learning environments’ Graham Stanley (British Council Young Learner Centre, Barcelona) does that mean i don’t have to go to: What students can get out of Twitter – Petra Pointner (RWTH Aachen University)?
I then have to head home and that means I miss over very own Byron Russell on the Macmillan Test Maker – at least I can ask for his notes instead. And just when you are uber-zonked and in need of a giant G & T, IATEFL believe you are ready for the new OALD 8th edition or even just playing games with Kyle: Computer gaming to learn – Kyle Mawer (British Council YL Centre, Bonanova, Barcelona, Spain). Mein Gott – I shall drive home exhausted but strangely exhilarated.
And that’s just day one!! Thanks goodness I’m off to Spain as I cannot face any more choices…..
Boy, I hear what you’re saying… and I’m there for the whole conference so I’ll have these hard choices every single day! I’ll be carrying dice with me and it’ll have to down to them :)
Hi Karenne
I noticed you are prsenting on Thursday – good luck with that!
may see u in Harrow Gate
I think you chose the wrong day to . . . give up pecha kuchaing. Looking forward to your session. Will we see some thrilling theatrics this year? PS thanks for the mention.
Ha Ha. Cheers Kyle. Actually, I’m doing a session this year – which is kind of a nice break. In some ways, the first day is amazingly good – so much on – I haven’t dared look at the rest of the programme tho’. Hope to see you there – I’ll be going to the LT committee meeting. OK – back to the virtual drugs and the sad twilight world of Dr J. Best
Hi Pete – I´d love to have you in my session,as it’s always nice to have a friendly face in the audience, although I doubt anything I mention in my talk will be new to you… :-)
See you in Harrogate!
What a lovely mail to start the day! Cheers, Nicky. I’m a newbie to all this mobile stuff! See u in Harrogate:-)