Just heard that Sheffield City Council planning to close libraries – unless members of the public volunteer to work there to keep them open…. The latest e-lesson blog from Macmillan tackles this very topic…. Earlier this month, Europe’s largest library
Tax avoidance: new e-lesson blog from Macmillan
Last month, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), announced plans to crack down on tax avoidance schemes by large multi-nationals. For the rest of this e-lesson blog, plus web links, visit: http://www.businessenglishonline.net/resources/in-company-second-edition-resources/elessons/
Blog post on Apps
Marcus evans Linguarama have posted on Apps in business English. The post looks at apps such as Flipboard and Evernote…. http://blog.linguarama.com/post/2013/06/08/Apptivities-for-business-English-.aspx
Creating screencasts
We rarely write about software on this blog, but I am currently in the process of creating some screencasts for online training material. I tried several free applications, such as Jing, to produce the videos, but they were all so
BESIG Prague – Apptivities: the story continues
Saturday 9th November 15.00 – 15.45 Session D7 (45 min) Apptivities for Business English 2: painting the Forth Bridge Increasing numbers of business English students have Smartphones and tablets. Which apps can best help their efforts to learn a language?
New e-lesson blog post from Macmillan – Google Glass
Google Glass – a glimpse of the future? Earlier this month, San Francisco hosted Google’s annual development conference, which showcases the company’s innovations. This year, there was one big talking point: Google Glass. Google Glass is probably the world’s most
Launch of our new eBook – Apptivities for Business English
We are delighted to announce the launch of our latest eBook, Apptivities for business English. At the back of the Teachers’ book, you get a CODE to pass on to your students so they can download a copy of the
New e-lesson blog from Macmillan: Rich List 2013
I scoured the Rich List at the weekend, looking for my name. Sadly, I failed to find it but found many others…from Abramovitch to McCartney. Fascinating reading, as ever… For the full e-lesson blog, with ideas for classroom discussion and links,
British Council – Blended Learning in ELT
Delighted to read this resource. It is available as a free .pdf http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/C526_Blended%20learning_FINAL_web%20only.pdf I was also amazed to read the introduction – we are quoted a good number of times. Made up for the fact that I couldn’t get into the session
IATEFL session – Bibliography
I really enjoyed giving the talk Dealing with differentiation in Business English teaching with Louis Rogers for Richmond last week at IATEFL, Liverpool. Great to see so many familiar faces in the audience. As promised, the Bibliography. Handout