Thanks to all the people who came to the workshop session on the Future of Business English. Also, thanks for handing in the worksheet, so I can crunch the data! If you would like another copy, click here.

Click to download the following: (1) the Dictionary comparison worksheet

(2) The Power Points of the critical analysis of five technologies / the Future of Business English

For more on the screen-capture software Camtasia, visit Russell Stannards site

Sorry we ran out of time!! If you desparately wanted to ask a question, or add a personal view about the future, why not just use the ‘Comment’ button on this blog entry! I can then incorporate some of your comments into the article for BESIG issues! That’s a good way to use technology to support our face-to-face…

I have just mailled out details of the Newsletter. Several mails bounced back, so if you don’t get one and you requested one, maybe I mistyped your e-mail. Apologies – just click on the ‘Subscribe’ button on our home page…don’t forget, the session will be written up in BESIG Issues, coming soon…..and finally, thanks to Karen Richardson for taking the great photo of me and my mimio……

BESIG workshop

7 thoughts on “BESIG workshop

  • 29 November 2008 at 13:29

    Hi Pete

    Was well informative, and nice to see so many guys wanting to take the classroom that one tech step further.

    I am writing a top five trumps review for the newsletter for LELTA (Leipzig teacher´s), if you would like a copy?

    Also would it be okay for me to use some of the slides from your presentation in my BESIG feedback workshops?

  • 29 November 2008 at 21:23

    Cheers Stewart. Please feel free to use the slides. best wishes

  • 2 December 2008 at 12:31

    Hi Pete

    Thank you so much for a very lively and informative workshop in Bonn. i have come back to school full of fresh ideas.

    Best wishes


  • 23 December 2008 at 14:23

    Hi Pete,

    I was wondering if you have had time to collate the information from the survey/questionnaire that was completed in the first 45-minutes of your presentation in Bonn? Would love to see it …

    Hope you’re well, and look forward to seeing you soon.

    Merry Christmas to you and Barney!


  • 7 January 2009 at 20:15

    Hi Brendan
    key data results will be published in the next BESIG issues
    in the meantime, i have sent you the info by regular mail

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