The second set of Business English webquest I wrote for CUP to go with their English365 series are now available to download at ttp:// Although the webquests are linked to units in the English365 coursebooks, they can be used completely
ESP weblinks from Ulm
A selection of the weblinks Pete collected during his session in Ulm, Germany early this month can be seen here.
Sony digital dictaphones, mp3s and Windows Vista
A slightly technical blog entry. At the school where I work we use digital dictaphones to record learners in the classroom and to record pronunciation models. These are then transferred to a computer to be played back through headphones or
Pete on YouTube
It turns out that Pete has found his way onto YouTube. Go to our picture gallery to hear him briefly define Blended Learning.
Pete's handout for Sao Paulo
If you attended Pete’s plenary session at the Alumni 32nd Annual Conference you can download his presentation handout here. It is a couple of megabytes and comes as a Microsoft Word document. If anyone is having problems with this please
Searching the BBC Learning English website
I have just introduced a learner to the BBC World Service’s much loved and visited Learning English website. We were looking at the Words in the News section. Three times a week the BBC people add a report from the
Blended Learning podcast
In order to demonstrate the ease with which podcasts can be made, we recorded our IATEFL presentation. The second part of the presentation, in which Pete presents our rationale for Blended Learning, is now available to download and listen to.
IATEFL handout now available
If you would like a copy of our presentation handout from the IATEFL conference (because you’ve heard great things about it or because you were there but lost your copy), just click on the link below to download it. Using
Request for IATEFL photos, feedback and questions
Does anyone have any photos of Pete or me at IATEFL. They could be us individually or together, presenting or chatting. If you do and can email one or two to us, we would be really grateful, post them here
Presentation of "Blended Learning" at IATEFL Aberdeen
We would like to say thank you to everyone who attended our presentation at the IATEFL conference yesterday. We had a wonderful, positive response from the people we have spoken to since and feel it has launched our Blended Learning