I have just introduced a learner to the BBC World Service’s much loved and visited Learning English website. We were looking at the Words in the News section. Three times a week the BBC people add a report from the BBC World Service radio news. The audio is accompanied by a summary, complete transcript and definitions of some of the key words and phrases.
Before we came to this, my learner and I had been looking at some advanced search techniques in Google. When I told him that the Words in the News section had an archive that went back five or six years, he asked whether we could use Google to search for stories on a particular subject within this one section of the website.
The following is the search string that we came up with:
the subject you are looking for “words in the news” site:www.bbc.co.uk
For example, to search for stories about Japan, type japan “words in the news” site:www.bbc.co.uk into Google.
Have fun!