BP’s 2007 annual report, which can be downloaded as a PDF from their website is accompanied by a set of downloadable MP3 recordings of the parts of the report. Although these are, no doubt, intended as an aid to BP
Latest Interactive Whiteboards
This week, the Guardian’s technology in teaching supplement, The Link, included some very enthusiastic reviews of the newest interactive whiteboards and software from Hitachi, Promethean and Smart.
New Vistas – the great compatibility question
I’ve finally had the opportunity to sit down with a computer running Windows Vista and a pile of CD-ROMs to see whether all/any of the software we use with our learners runs happily under Microsoft’s latest operating system. We are about
Building a wiki
I recently had a chance to put my money where my mouth is. During a training session just before Christmas, I wondered out loud whether the company I work for should set up a wiki to allow teachers and DoSs
Website of the month – Teacher Training Videos
The title of website of the month goes to Teacher Training Videos. Run by Russell Stannard from the University of Westminister. The site carries two main sets of training videos: General Teacher Training Videos covers how to use the Blackboard
Blended Learning shortlisted for prize
We are delighted that Blended Learning has been chosen for the 2007 shortlist for The Ben Warren International House Trust Prize awarded for the most outstanding work in the field of language teacher education. The winner will be announced at the IATEFL conference
RSS readers
It’s been a slow week here in Stratford so I’ve been installing RSS reader software on the student computers. My thinking is that, so often we ask our students to search the Web to find a story or text to
Blended Learning – up-date number 3 now available to download
The latest up-date for Blended Learning: Using technology in and beyond the language classroom is now available to download from Macmillan’s website.
Online concordancers
Have just found my notes from the Marcus Evans Linguarama teacher training days I attended shortly before Christmas. Remembered that I had promised to provide my colleagues with links to online concordancers. Here is a previous posting to this blog
Going wild in Google with wildcards
The Boolean search symbol * is used in many database searches to represent any characters or set of characters. It can be used in Google searches to represent any word or set of words. You can use this feature for