A few years ago {{link http://www.cnn.com CNN}} started to charge for its online video content and many of us fled to other sources of authentic American accents and news reports. That decision was reversed a little while ago and now
Virtual Factory Tour
We’ve always been big fans of online simulations of processes such as production lines. They offer lots of possibilities for lessons. Visit the {{link http://www.psa-peugeot-citroen.com/en/morning.php PSA Peugeot Citroen}} website and click on “Virtual Visit of a Plant” in the top
The future of the Web
This is a subject that has bubbled away almost since the Web was born. This piece by Raphael Behr in today’s Observer newspaper called {{link http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/news/0,12597,1567143,00.html?gusrc=rss Access Denied}} gives a good summary of the issues although, in light of current
Podcasts and the dangers of viruses
My enthusiasm for podcasts continues. However, it is apparently possible for podcasts to infect your computer with viruses. I think the usual advice prevails about only downloading from reliable sources and keeping firewalls and anti-virus software on your computer operating
Podcasting: a slight return
Here’s a website called {{link http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ Breaking News English}} that Pete drew my attention to. The author, Sean Banville, has set himself the heroic task of providing a daily lesson based on a news story. He describes it thus: Ready-to-use
New ESP worksheet
{{link http://www.onestopenglish.com/business_esp/esp_banking.htm The Audit Career Game}} is my latest contribution to the Business and ESP materials section. It’s intended to lighten up some of those potentially uninspiring vocabulary lessons. As always, am grateful for any feedback.
CD-ROM Dictionaries training
This is a brief description of the training session I mentioned on {{link http://kevwes9.dreamhosters.com/pages/blog/archives/00000008.htm 6 June}} and the reactions and comments of the participants. The session was based around a worksheet which can be downloaded {{link http://kevwes9.dreamhosters.com/PDFs/CD-ROM_dictionary_training.pdf here}}. Click on
{{link http://www.marumushi.com/apps/newsmap/index.cfm Newsmap}} takes its data from {{link http://news.google.com Google News}} to produce a graphic representation of the latest news stories. It can be set to display the results from the various international versions of Google News, eg US, UK,
Business Listening on the Web
I have put up a list of links in the Materials section to websites around the world which provide {{link http://kevwes9.dreamhosters.com/pages/mats/mats_web_listening.htm radio business news reports}}. This was originally published in the BESIG newsletter a year or so ago. I have
CD-ROM dictionaries to go "headword to headword"
At the teaching centre where I work, I have installed all the current CD-ROM versions of the advanced learner’s dictionaries from the main publisherson computers in the self-access room as well as in the teachers’ room. These are the Cambridge