What a great conference this was!
Congratulations to all the organisers!
There were some really interestsing developments to report in the area of technology in ELT!
As ever, the range of knowledge about integrating technology in ELT was extremely varied! There were many questions from some teachers of the: “What is ……..” variety, and once again, I felt it is the perfect time to launch our book! This answers many such questions – you can place advance orders with Macmillan.
I also felt it was the perfect time to launch our new Technology courses. Congratulations to business partners Paul East and Kevin Westbrook for circulating the details.There was GREAT interest in the conference in these courses – the draft fliers went like hot-cakes. If you did not get a flier, just visit:
{{link http://www.pyramidmultimediaconsulting.com/blended_learning.htm Blended Learning courses}}
Take care – by the time you are reday to book, the course may be full, so “allez” – early Bird discount applies till the end of next month…
Thanks to all the teachers who came to the session on Saturday. The two handouts, on Blended Learning definitions and the Macmillan English Campus will be available to download from this site soon.