We have just sent out our latest Newsletter. We hope you enjoy it!
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te4be Newsletter
We have just sent out our latest Newsletter. We hope you enjoy it!
(If you haven’t received it, please check your spam; drop us a mail if it isn’t there, as I may not have transferred your original request into our database).
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Dear Pete Sharma
I attended you lecture yesterday which I found very interesting.
I am an English teacher and I’m right now doing a paper about “a didactic proposal for English teaching” which I have to present next week. I would like to talk about the use of the ICT in language teaching and your ideas and book have been very useful. May I ask you a favour? Could you please send me the power points presentations you used yesterday at the Macmillan meeting as soon as possible?
Looking forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely
Btw . Today it’s my birthday and this e mail is a present for me.
Hi – presentation is now on the site