Our Milan event on October 4th is already making its way around the Italian blogosphere (see Robert Dennis’ latest blog post which really says it all about the event).
If you would like to come along you’ll need an invitation to pass the Consulate’s security, but all you need to do is drop a quick mail to Valeria.Notari@fco.gov.uk to request an FREE pass.
The event is kindly sponsored by leading UK publisher Richmond ELT, outstanding primary software producer Little Bridge and hugely popular interactive whiteboard manufacturer SMART.
Places are filling up fast, so if you’d like to come along contact Valeria (or if you have any questions drop me a mail at byron.russell@psa.eu.com) to get your entry pass. Note the presentations will be mainly in English.
Here’s the programme – hope to see you there!

And by the way – it you come from outside Italy, and would like to talk about arranging a similar event in your city, please mail me.