Yikes! I’ve just read this post on Macmillan’s business English website http://www.businessenglishonline.net/2011/02 and realize that the Sunday’s webinar is not far away! I hope you can join in – more info on the BESIG website: http://www.besig.org/events/Weekendworkshop/index.htm Not sure what else
BESIG M-Learning: post-session Handout
Thanks to everyone who braved the Sunday morning alarm call and came to the session on Mobile learning at the recent BESIG conference in Bielefeld. Also, thanks for your ideas which you submitted at the end of the session. These
English UK Teachers’ Conference
Many thanks to everyone who came to so. Uncomfortable This cheap viagra nice most. my sessions in London last Saturday. As promised, here is a brief, follow-up Handout for the M-Learning session: Mobile learning Watch this space – I will
BESIG – confession

Preparing my sessions for BESIG………confession from a Conference junkie…
Here is a graphics-lite version of the PowerPoint for the session: Networking in English at the BESIG summer conference in Rome.
Cold and sunny, a perfect day to revisit my Alma Mater. Great morning meeting and then the Virtual Forum, which went well. Always amazing to see those names of participants logging in from all over the world – in this conference, especially from
English UK Plenary – impact of new technology on business English
A great day in London yesterday. Really enjoyed Ian Badger’s opening plenary & fellow PSA Director Byron Rusell’s session. Here are the graphics-lite versions of my plenary Power Points, plus a two-page Word document – the session worksheet & handout: Courses
Cambridge World of Work Virtual conference – 12th May
Next Wednesday’s World of Work virtual conference schedule is as follows: The impact of new technology on language teaching, learning and assessment – Pete Sharma An observer’s reflection of the 2009 World of Work Forum – Russell Whitehead Learning &
Blended Learning – Madrid
Thanks to all the teachers who came to the session in Madrid at the Macmillan Teacher’s day. It was great to be there! If you need anything from the talk, just drop me mail! Hope you had a good rest
English UK Management Conference 2010 – Reading
It was a great conference last weekend and the Garnet bash was beyond fabby. Fotos on Phacebook. Good to meet David Bish, who used our definition of Blended learning in his ef presentation – getting Blended Teaching from Blended Learning.