We’re delighted to announce our new partnership in Italy with Digitalang, a leading ICT training organisation based on Trento, Nothern Italy. Digtalang is managed by Seth Dickens (there he is, on the left!), a really great trainer himself. We’re going to be
ELT Publishers: making the most of App and eBook Opportunities?
Increasingly students are turning to apps as a way of enhancing learning, and there is a bewildering variety of language learning apps out there, ranging from complete self-study courses to exam prep and supplementary materials. Some are “native “ apps
New post about Tweeting on the Linguarama blog
Tweeting: it’s not just for birds This blog post looks at the Internet phenomenon of Twitter. We’ve all heard of Twitter. But do you tweet? And why would you? For the rest of this blog entry, please visit the Linguarama
Three reasons to be cheerful about IWBs
It’s been a good day on the IWB front, for three reasons. 1. I was chatting (through the keyboard) with a colleague with a brief to buy an IWB and I was interested in learning what his choice would be.
Apple sets its sights on the Textbook industry
Steve Jobs believed that textbook publishing was an “$8 billion a year industry ripe for digital destruction” and with the ever-growing distribution of tablets – particularly, of course, the iPad – into state schools, the time could be fast approaching
Bangla Desh
It’s hard to overstate just how amazing this visit to Bangla Desh was. Tuesday saw the British Council Conference on the Innovative use of ICT in Education. I had heard about the Connecting Classrooms concept, and here it was brought
Elfy, welfy, and wise!
We had a great time at the PSA Christmas party. Not sure who sneaked in a video camera, but the video has now appeared on the web. We hope you enjoy it. It is only available until mid January 2012,
Education, learning and training in a Digital Society
I’m really pleased that George Drivas, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages at Doukas Schools is posting over a copy of his book Education, learning and training in a Digital Society (Express Publishing). I understand this is a
If only adults saw it this way…
I have a dice app on my mobile phone. You can different dice – 6-sided, 4-sided, etc. – and also flip coins. My three-year-old son likes playing with this app and today he decided that he only wanted coins on
New blog post series – number 1: Apps for language learning
I am really delighted to say that the first in a new series of blog posts has just gone up. These posts are written for the language training organisation marcus evans Linguarama. These posts are available to everyone in the language teaching