BESIG Bielefeld – PCE I have long been fascinated by business English teaching materials – authentic, framework, published, digital; even the absence of materials….. for many years, I taught without published materials, then worked promoting in-house materials in one specific
Interactive Whiteboards for Education
Just received a digital copy of Interactive Whiteboards for Education: Theory, Research and Practice edited by Michael Thomas and Euline Cutrim Schmid for review purposes. Thanks As I leaf through the virtual pages, I encounter the contribution from our own
te4be Newsletter
Hope you all received our Winter 2009 Newsletter. If you have recently subscribed and you haven’t received it, it may be that your mail did not get through – I sent confirmation to a few addresses which were unsuccessful. Please mail us
An interview with Pete Sharma
Many thanks to Janine Bray-Müller for her great interview questions after my recent Hamburg presentation. The complete interview can be viewed on line. Sharma comes clean about a ton of stuff….happy reading!
te4be Newsletter
We have just sent out our latest Newsletter. We hope you enjoy it! (If you haven’t received it, please check your spam; drop us a mail if it isn’t there, as I may not have transferred your original request into our
Training goes mobile
New technology continues to advance at a rapid rate. What effect is it having on teacher training courses? This article explores the uses of a number of technologies on teacher training in ELT, and in particular, Master’s courses. For the
New Routes
New technology and ELT: the state of the art Pete Sharma There can be no doubt that new technology has forever changed the teaching and learning of languages. Why then is T.E.L.L. (technology-enhanced language learning) such a controversial area?
te4be Newsletter
Barney and I are delighted to say we have just sent out our second Newsletter. If you are subscribed, and have not received it, please check your spam mail. Drop us a mail if it has not arrived so we
BESIG Business Issues
The Learning Technologies page The Learning Technologies page looks at a number of websites of interest to ESP practitioners. It then focus on ‘Business Meetings’, the latest disc in a series of business English CD-ROMs from York Associates International
BESIG Business Issues
The latest copy of BESIG Business Issues has just been published. As usual, you can find our New Technologies page – this time looking at the new Longman business English dictionary on CD-ROM. Many thanks to Karen Richardson for her